International Women’s Day – Our women at Work #breakthebias

Yesterday, 8th March, was International Women’s Day, a day of action which aims to make the world more diverse, equitable and inclusive and celebrate the achievements of women from across the globe.

This year’s theme is #breakthebias, which aims to knock down the walls of inequality and see everyone as equals. At EUK, this aligns strongly with our core beliefs, as we believe that everyone, everywhere, deserves a fair chance no matter what.

Here are a few words and quotes from some hardworking women who are integral to EUK, helping us celebrate International Women’s Day!

“International Women’s day is today and it’s so important to take time and realise how much we have improved and how much more there is to do to break the bias and generate equality for women in all areas. I’m so happy to be a part of a team of powerful and successful women here at EmployabilityUK who continue to create spaces for more women to feel comfortable and succeed themselves. Remember we should always strive to bridge the gap for women to achieve and become pioneers of change in the same way so many women before us have!” – Marcella Rees-Gray, Operations Officer

“I want to support inclusive work cultures where women’s careers are able to thrive and #breakthebias against not enough women in leadership positions.” – Diane Burdett, Trustee

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? Above all, we must have perseverance and confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained” (Marie Curie) – Carol Phillips, Head of Kickstart

“Raising awareness and fighting inequality across all walks of life today, can help us all #breakthebias for a better future tomorrow. By crafting a pathway for others in years to come, we make the battle for true equality just that little bit easier. Women everywhere deserve to have a voice, no matter their situation.” – Abigail Davidson, Creative Officer

